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Are you and your baby sleep deprived?
Are you open to try something new?
Are you willing to accept the necessary help to sleep better?
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Will the sleep training involve crying?
Yes, sleep training could involve some crying, but if we look at crying as a way of communication for our baby and we try to listen to it instead of shutting it down, it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Moreover, babies need to cry to release emotions, tensions, frustrations and nervous energy. Without this release, they keep it inside which could harm their nervous system.
When will my baby sleep through the night?
It depends on each baby but mostly when a child is well established on solid food, meaning 3 meals per day wiith protein and carbs, they could be ready to sleep through the night. This usually occurs around 10 month of age.
When can I move my baby into his own room?
The American Academy of Pediatrics as well as WHO recommend sleeping in the same room with the child, but not in the same bed, until the age of 12 months, for safety reasons.
Can I use music as white noise?
Yes, you could have music as white noise for your baby, but it has to be very boring sounds like monoton nature sounds (wind, rain etc.). However, white noise machines are more practical and quite affordable any time.
Do I really have to wake my baby up?
Yes, a flexible routine is very beneficial to a child and it encourages good eating and sleeping, thus following baby’s circadian rhythms. That sometimes meanswe need to wake our baby up in order to feed him or not let him nap too long during the day and steal from his overnight sleep.
Will sleep training have any damage on my baby's brain?
No, sleep training is a short term method to support your baby fall asleep more automously and stay asleep for longer stretches. Many studies have proved that only long term cronic stress (like child abuse or maternal depression) is toxic for a child and could affect brain circuit and disrupt the normal development of a child.
How will we communicate during our collaboration?
We can successfully have a virtual communication, via email and messages, as well as via phone conversations if chosen. Parents can very well be the teacher of their babies, carefully guided by the sleep consultant.
How can I get rid of the dummy?
This depends very much on the child’s age and how much it interferes with his sleep. Whereas for a newborn the dummy has a calming soothing effect and it is recommended in SIDS prevention, after 8 months old, there are special techniques to help the baby find and replace his dummy so that he becomes more independent.
How can I make the difference between a mantra cry and a cry for help?
There is not a clear line between a mantra cry and a desperate cry for help. However, we could say that an intermittent cry with pauses longer than 15 sec. means that the baby is not suffering but rather struggles to fall asleep by himself.
Happy Baby Schlaf Blog
Food for sleep for babies until 6 months
Food and sleep are very much related. They influence each other extremely. That means that what and when a baby or a child eats during the day influences his sleep at night and vice-versa.
Why is sleep important
We all know how dysfunctional we could be if we are not able to sleep on a long term basis, especially if we are past our 20s. Unfortunately, we are not aware of the importance of sleep in the early years of our life and the impact it has on our health later on.