
Baby sleep issues

Consider what the baby needs

more than what they want!

Attachment parenting

Attachment parenting

Attachment parenting   What we hear most often today is the concept of attachment parenting - a notion interpreted in the early 2000s by the American paediatrician William Sears and his wife, nurse Martha Sears as a “parenting approach that emphasizes responding...

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Theory of attachment

Theory of attachment

All about attachment Attachment seems to be a very sensitive topic, not only for babies, children or their parents or in connection with sleep, but for everybody. Because, unless you are a monk living remotely in the high mountains of Himalaya, attachment is a vital...

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The Science behind Baby Sleep

The Science behind Baby Sleep

The science behind sleep You know me! I am deeply fond of the realm of sleep. I think sleep is a blessing, like the ability to forget and forgive. I am fascinated by how we drift away from a state of complete awareness into a light phase of drowsiness, and then we...

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Celebrating Mothers

Celebrating Mothers

Why celebrate the Mothers? It is considered the most challenging job in the world, a 24/7 type of job, which does not give you much free time to take care of yourself or to relax. It is considered a duty and a sacrifice in many cultures around the world and even the...

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How to assess a reliable study

How to assess a reliable study

Let’s talk about studies! Nowadays there is a study for almost everything out there, especially on controversial issues. If you are on one side you will find a study which supports that idea, but funny enough, if you have the exact opposite opinion, you will find a...

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Everything you need to know about sleep regressions

Everything you need to know about sleep regressions

Baby & Toddler Sleep Regressions | What is a sleep regression? It is actually a PROgression in terms of baby development due to normal leaps like rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing up, walking, talking etc. which usually impacts their sleep. Even if all...

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Baby Sleep & Heat

Baby Sleep & Heat

Baby Sleep & Heat |   We already know that in order to sleep well, we need a cool & dark sleeping room. But what if we can't get the optimal temperature (max. 20°C) during the hot summer days? Hot tips for baby sleep Stick some tin foil on the windows...

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