Sleep Coaching Services
Baby and toddler sleep supportChoose the best sleep package for you and your baby!
Newborn Sleep Guide
With this complex handbook you will have the opportunity to set the best sleep conditions and build healthy sleep habits for your newborn baby from the very beginning.
Baby Sleep Solution
Now your baby can learn how to fall asleep by himself and stay asleep for longer stretches.
Toddler Sleep Solution
Your toddler has the opportunity to be more sleep independent and become the sleep hero of the family.
Additonal Sleep Support
This can be helpful if you want to add a sibling, have twins, need an addtional week support or an extra phone-call to the other packages.
Helping you get back the restorative sleep for you and your family
You love your baby and you are happy about him coming into your life, but you are exhausted and suffer from sleep deprivation?
Then you have come to the right place.
You are not alone and you do not have to deprive yourself of sleep until your baby turns 3. You are the best mom for your child and in order to help your baby thrive, you need to be happy as well.
Accept help and get the restorative sleep you and your baby deserve!
Sleep issues we could solve
Newborn sleep
We can prepare the best sleep environment, set flexible routines while you get the chance to deeply connect with your newborn.
Night wake-ups and overnight feeds
We look at all details of day and night and all your baby’s sleep and feed patterns to identify the core issue and find the most appropriate solution for your baby to sleep through the night.
Cat napping
We identify the reasons behind cat napping and choose a technique which will provide your baby the restorative naps he/she needs.
Early morning wake-ups
We will analyse your baby’s potential reasons for waking up too early in the morning and try different approaches to start the day happy and rested.
Sleep associations
You will learn about healthy sleep associations and help your baby fall asleep more autonomously and connect the sleep cycles.
Sleep regressions
These are developmental leaps which could affect your baby’s sleep. You will be able to foresee them and apply techniques to better cope with them.
Transitions from crib to bed / away from co-sleeping
You will find out when is the most appropriate time to make this transition and how to choose a gentle approch to make it as natural and stress-free as possible for your child.
A Life’s Changing Investment
Newborn Sleep Guide
(4-12 weeks old)- The ultimate handbook to help you and your newborn baby set healthy sleep habits from the start.
Baby Sleep Solutions Online Program
(4 - 24 months old)- The video-audio online course you can follow at your own pace to improve your baby’s sleep.
- 3 hours video content
- 44 lessons (video & audio)
- 10 Pdf to download
Baby Sleep Solution
(3 - 24 months old)- 2 video consultations
- 2 customised sleep plans
- 2 weeks of daily feedback to help your baby sleep better.
Toddler Sleep Solution
(2 - 4 years old)- 2 video consultations
- 2 customised sleep plans
- 2 weeks of daily feedback to help your toddler sleep better.
How do I know if baby sleep coaching is right for us?
If you don’t know much about it and are not sure about trying a baby sleep coaching plan, please consider answering the next questions.
If you answer yes to minimum 3 of this questions, baby sleep coaching is the best way to improve your sleep life.
Do you suffer from sleep deprivation?
Studies have proved that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on our emotional and physical health, on our daytime performace as well as on our cognitive functions. Moreover, for a new mother, sleep deprivation is the no. 1 cause of port partum depression. These are solid reasons to consider sleep coaching as a way to improve your life.
Is your baby grumpy most of the time?
Grumpiness could often be a sign of baby being overtired. Therefore, start being more aware of his/her biological needs and remember than what a kid wants might not be what he/she actually needs.
Do you consider yourself a flexible person?
If you are open to new ideas and consider trying new methods for meeting our kids’ needs, maybe something a bit different than how our parents raised us, sleep coaching is one way to start.
Are you willing to prioritize sleep?
We tend to spend approx. a third part of our life sleeping. Unlike a few decades ago, scientists have come to the conclusion that sleep is not just a state of rest for our body and brain, but rather a vital, active part of our life with a huge impact on our development. We could therefore give it some more credit and consideration.
Are you an organised person who likes routines?
Like the cyclic rhythm of nature, humans function better if they follow a structure or some sort of routine. Moreover, studies have proved that babies thrive on predictability. In the field of sleep this means, amongst others, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This is just a sign we need to organise ourselves a bit better if we want to have a good restorative sleep and be fit.
My Approach
One of the wisest things I learned in life is to have the patience to listen to people, trully listen and do not simultaneously think about yourself and the next clever answer you want to give.
This is very important in the field of baby sleep coaching because we start by learning about the baby and its habits, about its parents and their own goals.
Based on a comprehensive intake-form I send to parents, I can make a thorough assessment of the baby, his sleep related habits and the general family situation. After we all agree to go on board, I work on an extensive sleep plan with detailed information about what should be done and how. If parents have any questions about it I will then invite you to a video conversation to clear everything out. And with all the confidence we can get, we start monitoring the implementation of the plan for about 2-3 weeks based on a sleep log with daily feedback.
At the end of our journey, your baby’s sleep should definitely improve if all recommendations are followed and applied consistently.

How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
During a 20 min. free video call, you can tell me about your baby’s main sleep issues and I can give you a few ideas about how much we can do to improve your baby’s sleep. Then we can decide if we are a good fit.
Fill out an intake-form
This is a comprehensive questionnaire I send to parents with questions about the baby, its habits and temperament, the sleep problems, parenting style and main goals of parents.
Customised sleep plan
This sleep guide has lots of detailed information about the optimal techniques to improve your baby’s sleep, including best sleep environment, nap and feeding schedule, age appropiate wake times and routine, as well as the recommended settling method.
Monitoring support
This consists of a period of about 2-3 weeks of daily support via email, messages and video consultations, to monitor the implementation of the sleep plan based on a sleep log.