Povești de succes


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Mom of Helena (4,5 months old)


„My baby Helena was having a lot of trouble sleeping her naps, it was a real mess! She was doing around 6 or 7 cat naps per day, only on top of me. Night sleep, I though, was fine, although my baby was absolutely depending on being fed or rocked to sleep. Until I met Carmen! With her help, we manage to bring some order to our lives and improved my little one’s sleep. Helena now has 3 perfect naps during the day and sleeps through the night, waking up only one time to eat most of the times. We still have a bit or road ahead of us, is a tough one my little one, but the progress we did in a month with Carmen’s help is unbelievable! I went from having a continuously overtired baby to a happy angel 24/7. Carmen was always eager to help, willing to adjust her plan on the go based on our needs. Always nice, helpful and respectful! Thank you Carmen!”

Raluca & Mihai

Părinții lui Gregor (15 luni)


„Am căutat ajutorul lui Carmen când fiul nostru de 15 luni a început să se trezească foarte devreme. Gregor avea, în general, un somn destul de fragmentat, trezindu-se de mai multe ori pe noapte. Ne doream foarte mult ca fiul nostru să doarmă în sfârșit toată noaptea în pătuțul lui. Ținând cont de faptul că fiul nostru are eczemă și că era important să evităm scărpinatul, Carmen a găsit o metodă mai blândă și mai lentă, pentru a ne satisface nevoile. Sfaturile și informațiile oferite de Carmen cu privire la mediul de somn, la rutina și la aportul alimentar au fost foarte utile și în scurt timp am observat deja unele îmbunătățiri în somnul fiului nostru. Pe parcursul acestui proces, Carmen ne-a îndrumat cu multă răbdare, empatie și încurajare, iar în câteva săptămâni programul de somn ne-a îndeplinit așteptările și obiectivul nostru a fost atins.
O recomandăm călduros pentru oricine dorește să își recapete un ritm normal de somn. „


Mom of Eli (9 months old)


„With our second child (then 9 months old), I have accepted that a long night sleep for us could start when he’s 1.5 years old. When I found out about Carmen, I eagerly sent her a message and received detailed information from her.
To avoid disappointment, I prepared myself to the possibility that sleep training might not work for us. Surprisingly, within 2 challenging weeks and after 9 months, we were getting 5 straight hours of night sleep, compared to an average of 2 hours! We even stopped giving the bottle during nighttime (baby would drink milk every 2 hours at least 3x a night), and his appetite improved during day time, evident even within the first 4 day of sleep coaching.
I wish I met Carmen with our first child, proving to myself and others that sleep training does work. You need dedication from all parties, the right guidance and support. We got them all from Carmen, and thank her for changing our lives. „


Mutter von Sophie-Charlotte (6 Monate alt)


„Das Schlaf-Coaching mit Carmen war ein voller Erfolg: Unsere Kleine hatte in ihren ersten Lebensmonaten Schwierigkeiten, tagsüber selbstständig einzuschlafen und war häufig übermüdet. Carmen hat uns von Anfang an durch ihre positive Art Mut gemacht, so dass wir schnell Erfolge feiern konnten. Alleine durch ihre kompetenten Tipps zur Schlafumgebung, dem optimierten Tagesablauf sowie Hinweisen zu Einschlafmethoden konnten wir das Schlafverhalten unserer Tochter innerhalb kürzester Zeit verbessern. Während des gesamten Zeitraums war Carmen immer ansprechbar und hat sich umgehend gemeldet. Ich kann das Schaf-Coaching absolut emfehlen – es hat viel Spaß gemacht!”

Adela & Cosmin

Părinții lui Victor (3,5 ani)


„La început nu am vrut să recunoaștem că avem o problemă. Am început să lucrăm cu Carmen când Victor a început să se trezească de mai mult de 3 ori/noapte, chiar dacă unul dintre părinți era lângă el. Pe lângă asta, fiul nostru nu reușea să adoarmă singur, având nevoie de mult ajutor din partea noastră și trezindu-se aproape imediat după ce ieșeam din cameră. Fiul nostru doarme în aceeași cameră cu sora lui de 14 luni, ceea ce complică și mai mult lucrurile. Înainte de coachingul pentru somn, orele de culcare erau stresante și consumatoare de timp pentru noi, părinții, iar fiul nostru nu se odihnea cum trebuie, ceea ce a dus la crize de furie, apetit scăzut și dificultăți în respectarea rutinelor zilnice. Carmen a fost extrem de solidară și de pricepută, iar după 6 zile Victor dormea deja toată noaptea de la 7:30pm până la 6:30am și adormea independent în 10-15 minute. Coaching-ul de somn ne-a schimbat complet viața. Înainte de asta, ora de culcare era un moment extrem de stresant pentru familia noastră. Acum, Victor este un copil mult mai fericit pentru că are parte de un somn odihnitor, adecvat vârstei lui, iar eu și soțul meu avem serile înapoi pentru noi.
O recomandăm cu tărie pe Carmen tuturor celor care se confruntă cu probleme de somn cu copiii lor și cu siguranță vom folosi din nou programul ei de antrenament pentru somn dacă va fi necesar.”


Mom of Jena (6 months old)


„I am so thankful for the support and sleep guide provided by Carmen. The training method, feeding time, sleeping environment were all explained in detail via email before we begin the training. After 2 weeks of hard work and many emails with comments and advise, Jena is finally showing some progress. From feeding to sleep and waking every 2-3 hours at night, she is now falling asleep on her own and wakes 1-2 times at night. The initial Pu/pd method was taking longer to train Jena, Carmen suggested Pu/pd ss and that’s when it started to work. However, it would be nice for Carmen to incorporate flexibility to the routine in the earlier stage of training knowing that a housewife does have other duties and some has more than 1 child to care for. And a little more empathy would make a huge difference. „

Corina & Ștefan

Părinții lui Toma (14 luni)


„Ne-am decis să facem ceva în privința somnului lui Toma când nu am mai făcut față situației. Toma se trezea de 3-4 ori, uneori chiar și de 5 ori, pe timpul nopții și singurul fel în care reușeam să îl adormim era alăptarea. Asta a însemnat foarte mult timp petrecut într-o stare de semi-somn de către Toma dar și de către mama lui. Acest obicei a însemnat o perioadă de continuă alăptare pe parcursul nopții, ceea ce a transformat-o pe mama lui Toma într-o suzetă umană. În acest context am decis să căutăm ajutor de la o persoană cu experiență și know-how în domeniu. Am început să vorbim cu Carmen pentru îndrumare. Ea ne-a explicat în mod detaliat ce avem de făcut și ne-a ajutat cu materiale de citit pentru a înțelege de ce să facem ceea ce ea ne recomandă. Am început și să ținem un jurnal preț de două săptămâni cu descrieri detaliate ale zilelor lui Toma, somn și alimentație. Pentru fiecare notiță din jurnal ea a avut un comentariu constructiv care ne-a ghidat viitorii pași. După două săptămâni ne-am ajuns țelul și am încheiat colaborarea. Suntem recunoscători pentru ajutorul primit și suntem bucuroși să îi putem recomanda serviciile prietenilor noștri. Îi mulțumim din nou pentru răbdarea și dedicarea arătate.”

Jochen & Flavia

Eltern von Amalia (2 Jahre alt)


„Dank Carmen schlafen wir alle wieder durch – unsere Tochter und wir! Für jedes Kindesalter und jedes Schlafproblem hat sie eine Lösung parat – wirklich toll!

Bei unserer Tochter Amalia war es so, dass sie kurz vor ihrem zweiten Geburtstag plötzlich nicht mehr alleine einschlafen wollte. Sie schrie sehr laut, sobald wir ihr Zimmer verließen. Wir mussten sehr lange am Bett sitzen bleiben. Nachts wurde sie dann auch oft wieder wach und verlangte das Gleiche. Ständig wurde unser Schlaf unterbrochen.

Carmen erklärte uns ausführlich verschiedene Methoden, die wir anwenden könnten, und gab klare Empfehlungen. Sie half intensiv dabei, den eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent weiterzugehen, auch wenn es uns anfangs schwerfiel. Schon nach wenigen Tagen konnten wir so das Ziel erreichen. Amalia schlief friedlich alleine ein und in der Nacht auch durch.

Somit können wir Carmens Coaching wirklich jedem empfehlen!“


Ema & Mircea

Părinții Annei (19 luni)


„Am fost foarte sceptică și m-am înșelat atât de mult!
Carmen ne-a ajutat într-un fel în care nici măcar nu credeam că este posibil sau că ar fi o opțiune pentru noi. Schimbările au fost vizibile aproape imediat, tehnicile au fost blânde și au ținut cont de nevoile copilului nostru. Fiica noastră era o plângăcioasă, țipa în miez de noapte și stătea trează ore întregi, fără ca nimeni din casă să poată dormi. Credeam că nimeni de pe strada noastră nu a mai dormit de luni de zile 😂!
Dar acest lucru s-a schimbat imediat ce am urmat o rutină mai bună și potrivită atât pentru ea cât și pentru noi. Micuța noastră a redevenit ea însăși : este odihnită, zâmbește mereu, mănâncă mai bine și pur și simplu are o stare de bună-dispoziție constant. Și asta deoarece sleep coaching-ul nu se referă doar la somn, ci imbunătățește situația cu totul! Dacă este ceva ce mi-aș fi dorit să fi făcut mai devreme, este acest coaching de somn. Regret că am așteptat atât și am dezbătut mai mult de 10 luni până am făcut acest pas când fiica noastră avea deja 1 an și 7 luni.”

Rashmi & Anshuman

Parents of Ella (17 months)


„To begin with, we sleep trained Ella when she was 6 months old, and she was a good sleeper until she started going to the Kindergarten. She was waking up 3-4 times in the night and will only sleep with her father (no one else). This went on for 2 months, that is when I found Carmen.
Carmen has been, very supportive and helpful. She offered the guidance and reassurance we required. I highly recommend her to my friends, and we will use her guidance again if it needs be.
Carmen is a good listener and takes the time to answer your questions, concerns and run through your report. The best part was she advised us on Ella’s feed as well. We loved how responsive and reliable.
We cannot thank her enough for everything and we could not do it without your help.”

Cara & Simon

Parents of Rosa (5,5 months old) & Maria (2,5 months old)


„”Carmen’s help has been truly life-changing, for every member of our family. Before seeking out help, the sleeping situation for our whole family (with our two young daughters aged 2.5yrs and 5 months) was a complete mess. Our daughters had different schedules (or none at all) and were overtired. As parents, it wasn’t uncommon for us to be getting only 3-4 hours sleep every night. We were absolutely exhausted. I really didn’t think there was a way out of it. Now, I can’t understand why we put up with sleep deprivation for such a long time. Getting Carmen’s help has really been the best thing we have done for our family.
Our daughters are now down to sleep, in their own bed, by 7pm each night. Our eldest sleeps through the night and is a happier, healthier toddler. Our youngest is waking minimal times a night, can settle herself to sleep for naps and bedtime.. all things I thought were unique to everyone else’s babies but mine.
Carmen set up extremely comprehensive and considerate sleep plans for each of our girls to follow. She considered every detail about their personal habits and daily routines and made sensible recommendations. She was very communicative, and most importantly kind, when there were inevitable moments of stress and regression.
It still blows my mind to see where we were three weeks ago, and see where we are now. I will now be recommending Carmen’s help to every parent I know. Thank you, Carmen!”

Tunde & Denes

Parents of Thorsten (3,5 months old)


„We started this experiment, not that long ago. Our baby was quite overtired most of the days, he was crying a lot, and had no proper sleep. We needed help.
Carmen did her best to be a great assist to our journey to learn and to teach our baby to be a bit more individual on the sleeping part. Its a hard and difficult journey, with a lot of crying and desperation, but with consistency and listening to advices, we got into a spot, where things are significantly better!
Thanks for the help, and all the best till we see each other next time 🙂
The Tobak Family!“

Sinem & Baran

Parents of Lina (8 months old)


“Getting consultation from Carmen was one of the best decisions we have made. Before working with her, “sleep” was a nightmare for us. Our daughter was only sleeping while Breastfeed which was a long process, fall asleep at different times during the day and was waking up quite often during the night. She was also unpredictable in terms of when she was hungry and how much she eats.
Now at 10th day of working with Carmen, little one has a consistent sleep schedule, fall asleep by herself in her own cot only in 10-15 minutes and sleep through the night without unnecessary interruption and eats very well.
This success was possible thanks to two factors.
1) Carmen’s personalized approach. She doesn’t give you a generic recipe, she created the plan personalized to us considering a lot of factors about our daughter, our lifestyle and our parenting style.
2) Our consistent approach. Even when we had question marks, we committed to Carmen’s approach and applied it.
Another great thing working with Carmen was her flexible communication style. We used google docs, logged everything in a file and communicated through comments everyday, it gave us the flexibility to ask whatever question we have quickly (no need to write an email and give context etc.). She was very responsive to our comments/questions and always took her time to give a detailed answer and ensure we are comfortable.
Finally, Carmen gave us a comprehensive nutrition plan and a lot of great tips about feeding in general. She also provided a detailed sleep plan for the upcoming months based on our needs.
Overall both feeding improved significantly and sleep improved even beyond our expectations. We will recommend Carmen to anyone around us. Thank you!“

Natasha & Mathias

Parents of Diego (3 months old)


„We did the sleep coaching when our baby was three months. As first time parents working with Carmen has been one of the best decisions we have made, both in terms of helping our baby get some good sleep which is essential for his well being and development and also for us to feel better because we can sleep better!

If I regret anything is not having found her earlier! We learned about some sleep associations that were interfering with our baby doing longer stretches and us getting some restorative sleep. Also Carmen equipped us with tools to set a solid foundations for our baby’s sleep.

It helped us tremendously as a family to feel happier and rested. We know we need patience but we also learned to persevere to help our baby unlearn old habits and learn new ones so that our little one would go from waking every 2 to 3 hours to only waking up once after a dream feed in the late evening and also getting some restorative naps during the day and stopping the cat napping.

It is not always easy but it is worth it! Sleep is crucial and sleep deprivation does not have to be the norm! No way I could have figured all out without the amazing guidance from Carmen and her candid feedback!”

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