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Help a mom with a newborn baby

Help a mom with a newborb baby

How to Help a New Mother with a Newborn |

Bringing a new baby into the world is usually a happy occasion, but it can also be overwhelming. New mothers need a lot of understanding and support to help them navigate this challenging time.

As a good friend or a close relative, here is what you can do to help, but remember first to ask the new mom’s permission if she needs any help:

Emotional support

  • Listen & Validate
    One of the best ways to support a new mother is by being a good listener. Let her express her fears, concerns, and joys without judgment. Validating her feelings can go a long way in making her feel understood and supported.
  • Encourage & Reassure
    New mothers often doubt their abilities. Reassure her that she’s not alone and that she’s doing a great job. Positive reinforcement can boost her confidence and reduce anxiety.
  • Ask for help
    If you notice any signs of post-partum depression, do not hesitate to encourage the new mother to ask for help. This can be in the form of self-care therapy, meditation, support networks or mom groups, positive affirmations, walks in nature or even professional counselling. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician are crucial and will put mom’s mind at ease that her baby is developing well and she can address any health concerns early on.
  • Involve the partner
    Encourage the father of the baby to be actively involved in baby care. Sharing responsibilities can strengthen the family bond. Communication and cooperation are key to managing family challenges with a new baby.

Physical Support

  • Nutritional Support
    A well-balanced diet is crucial for a recovering mother. Help by preparing meals or snacks for her. Foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals will aid in her recovery and provide the energy she needs to breastfeed her baby.
    Ready-to-eat meals that the new mom can easily reheat or raw eat, such as casseroles, soups, or salads dishes are also a good option. This relieves the burden of cooking and ensure mom has the nutrition she needs to take care of her baby.
  • Helping with Chores
    Household chores can pile up quickly. Offer to help with cleaning, laundry, or grocery shopping. This gives the mother more time to rest and bond with her baby.
  • Ensuring Rest & Recovery
    Encourage the mother to rest whenever possible. Taking short naps when the baby sleeps can be incredibly restorative. You can also offer to have a walk outside with her baby in the pram. Remind her that her recovery is just as important as the baby’s care.

Practical Support

  • Assisting with Baby Care
    Help with diaper changes, feedings, bathing and burping. These small acts can significantly reduce the mother’s workload.
  • Running Errands
    Offer to run errands such as picking up prescriptions, groceries, or other necessities. This helps the mother avoid the stress of going out with a newborn.
  • Scheduling and Routines
    Assist in setting up a daily routine. Consistency can help both the mother and baby adjust to their new life. Even at this age, every day is different, starting the day and ending it at approximately the same time could help the circadian rhythm of the newborn baby.

The Importance of Sleep for New Mothers and Newborns

  • Understanding Sleep Deprivation
    New mothers often face severe sleep deprivation. Understanding and empathizing with this struggle is essential. Offer to watch the baby for a couple of hours so that mother can catch up on sleep.
  • Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment
    Ensure the mother has a comfortable, quiet space to rest. A dark room with white noise can significantly improve sleep quality, especially for her baby. A baby bed, close to the family bed, assures the safest sleep conditions for a newborn baby. Check these Safe SleepGguidelines for Babies here.
  • Nurture a Healthy Sleep Hygiene
    One of the most valuable gifts a parent can give to their newborn baby is the foundation of healthy sleep habits. This means organising a nice and calming bedtime ritual with an early bedtime, a naptime routine, natural light exposure, full feeds, watching baby’s tired cues while following age-appropriate awake times and considering baby’s natural biorhythm.
  • Recommend a good Newborn Baby Sleep Guide

Benefits of a Baby Sleep Guide

Even if a newborn baby is too tiny and delicate for any sleep training, a good structured and documented sleep guide can be a lifesaver. It can offer tested advice on establishing healthy sleep habits, easy-to-follow routines, bedtime rituals, troubleshooting tips for common sleep issues, and advice on creating a soothing sleep environment. which can lead to better rest for both the baby and the mother.

Here is The Newborn Baby Sleep Guide, the best present you can offer to a new mom so she can provide a good start in life for her newborn baby.

The importance of Bonding for Mothers & Newborns

The first 3 months of a baby’s life or the 4th trimester is a time for connection, an opportunity for mom to really get to know her baby and bond.

  • Skin-to-Skin Contact
    Promote skin-to-skin contact, which strengthens the bond between mother and baby and can calm the newborn.
  • Interactive Play
    Encourage interactive play, such as talking, singing, or gentle playtime. This not only entertains the baby but also promotes development.

Dealing with Common Newborn Challenges

  • Colic and Crying
    Coping with a colicky baby can be stressful. Offer to take over during these tough times to give the mother a break.
  • Breastfeeding Issues
    Breastfeeding can come with its own set of challenges. Encourage the mother to seek help from a lactation consultant if needed.

Things to avoid telling a mom with a newborn baby

When a new mom has just given birth, it’s best to avoid making demands or imposing your own expectations on her.

Here are some key things to avoid telling or pressuring a new mom about:

  • When family members or friends should visit or meet the baby. The new parents need time to bond with their newborn and recover from childbirth without hosting visitors. Let them decide when they are ready for guests.
  • How she should be feeding the baby (breastfeeding vs formula). This is a very personal decision and new moms are under enough pressure already.
  • Unsolicited advice, unless mom specifically asks for your input. New moms are overwhelmed with information already.
  • Criticizing how she looks or suggesting she needs to “bounce back” quickly after giving birth. Her body has just gone through a major transformation.
  • Minimizing her struggles or fatigue by saying things like “This is the easy part!” Every new mom’s experience is different and difficult in its own way.


Helping a new mother with a newborn requires a mix of emotional, physical, and practical support.

However, it is important to offer your help kindly, with no pressure or judgment, making sure first that the new mom does indeed wants your help.

By being there for her in various ways, you can ease her transition into motherhood and promote a healthy, happy environment for both her and the baby.

The key is to be supportive, patient, and let the new parents set the boundaries for visitors, feeding, and adjusting to their new life with the baby on their own terms and timeline. Avoid putting any unnecessary expectations or pressures on the new mom during this intense transition period.

Remember, a good baby sleep guide right from the start (or even as a source of information during pregnancy) can be an invaluable resource in this journey.

If you need more help with setting healthy sleep habits for a newborn baby, you can book a free Discovery Call so we can chat.

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