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Celebrating International Children’s Day

Celebrating Children's Day

Why we need Sleep to celebrate Children’s Day

Every year, on the 1st of June, we come together to celebrate International Children’s Day, a day dedicated to honoring and cherishing the younger generation. This special occasion not only highlights the joy children bring into our lives but also recognizes the immense sacrifices parents make for their well-being. Understanding the balance of these joys and challenges, along with the crucial role of good sleep in a child’s happiness, can enhance the way we celebrate this day.

History of International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. It originated in Turkey in 1920 and later gained international recognition when the World Conference for the Well-being of Children declared June 1st as Children’s Day in 1925. Since then, it has been celebrated globally, emphasizing children’s rights and well-being.

The Role of Parents

Parents play a pivotal role in making children’s everyday special. Their unwavering dedication and countless sacrifices aim at their children being happy and healthy. From sleepless nights to endless support, parents’ efforts often go unnoticed, making it essential to recognize and appreciate them on this day.

Even if we don’t need a special day to celebrate our children, it is important to see them and acknowledge their role in our life, to be in the present moment and with them, trying to see life through their lenses as well, while regarding them as our honest reflection and true teachers of life.”

The Joys & Challenges of Raising Children

Raising children is filled with countless joyous moments. From a baby’s first smile to a toddler’s infectious laughter, these moments bring unparalleled happiness to parents. Celebrating these small victories can make the parenting journey even more rewarding.

While the daily joys are significant, the long-term rewards of parenting are equally fulfilling. Watching children grow into compassionate, responsible young adults is a testament to the love and guidance provided by their parents.

However, parenting comes with its set of challenges. Balancing work and family life, dealing with temper tantrums, while trying to keep calm and smile, can be daunting. Recognizing these struggles can help parents feel less alone and more supported.

Balancing the countless responsibilities that come with parenting requires immense effort and patience. It involves managing household chores, work commitments, and ensuring children receive adequate attention and care.

Moreover, we need more than love to raise happy and healthy children!

Importance of a Rested Child

We all know it: a rested child is usually a happy child. This impacts the mood of the parents and the wheel goes round and round.

Sleep directly affects a child’s mood and happiness. A child who sleeps well is likely to be more cheerful, cooperative, and engaged. On the contrary, sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, poor concentration, and behavioural issues.

So, how can we make sure our children have a good mood and enjoy every day as if it were their day every day?

  1. Make sure your child has a good night sleep by:
  • Letting your child benefit from the power of natural light every day for at least 1 hour
  • Letting them run and consume their physical energy so they can build enough sleep pressure before nap or bedtime
  • Establishing a nice bedtime ritual where you truly connect with your child and prepare them for the long night separation, without any fears
  • Creating a Sleep-friendly environment with a dark room and at a comfortable temperature.
  • Setting healthy boundaries like limiting screen time before bed to encourage the production of melatonin and calming their mind
  • Ensuring their nutrition is healthy and sleep friendly
  • Responding to their needs but also empowering them to do things on their own (like sleeping in their own bed and room)
  • Modelling healthy sleep habits and take care of yourself. Children often mimic their parents’ behaviours. By prioritizing their own sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene, parents can set a positive example for their children.
  1. Fun Activities for Family Bonding

Family bonding activities such as playing games, going on picnics, or embarking on nature walks can create joyful experiences for children. These activities strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories.

  1. Celebrating Milestones Together

Celebrating milestones, whether big or small, is vital. Recognizing achievements such as a child’s first step, first day of school, or graduation fosters a sense of accomplishment and happiness.


By prioritizing sleep and connection, parents can contribute to their children’s overall well-being and create an environment conducive to happiness and growth.

On International Children’s Day and beyond, let’s celebrate the joy of childhood by ensuring our little ones receive the restorative sleep they need to thrive and the quality time they all deserve.

If you need more help with baby or toddler sleep, feel free to book a free Discovery Call with me.

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